#1 Ranked Eater In The World JOEY CHESTNUT and Top Pizza eater Pat "DEEP DISH" Bertoletti Battle It Out June 5 2010Who & What: The controversy over who is the world pizza-eating champion will finally be resolved on when Joey "Jaws" Chestnut and Pat Bertoletti, two of the world's top competitive eaters who both hold pizza titles, face-off at The Pizza Hut Cow-lenge.

Chestnut, the number-one-ranked eater in the world last year set the world record in hot dogs and buns (68 in 10 minutes), holds the world pizza eating title in the 14-inch category (45 slices). Bertoletti, ranked number four, holds two different pizza-eating titles: 'The Monster' 24-inch pizza (7
1/2 slices) and the 16-inch pizza (47 slices). Bertoletti is from Chicago and he is known in eating circles as "Deep Dish."
the Pizza Hut Chow-lenge is a 10-minute all-you-can-eat event taht will take place in Sony Studios; portions of the contest will be broadcast on the Spike TV Guys Choice awards airing June 20 at 10:00 pm.
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