Well for all of you celebs and non celebs out there who wanted to see Ricky Gervais go away for what he did at the Emmys, get over it because he is here to stay. Ricky Gervais will be guest starring on The Office. Could this be a pre run to see if he would make a great permanent fit? Who knows. Ricky Gervais created The Office in the U.K. and although his version was a hit, it only lasted 14 episodes. Along with Gervais NBC confirmed that Will Farrell will also be a guest star as well. This is great for The Office and Farrell. Farrell's best work has been and probably always will be on T.V. SNL was his shining light and he needs some NBC love to regain that light. I could see either him or Gervais becoming regulars on the show. With Carell leaving after this season the show will have a hole open for a leading actor, and there is no doubt that one of these men could fill it very well. I see Farrell as a possible better fit, but I am not an avid viewer of this show, not even the reruns, so I ma not sure per se. I will be watching when these guys guest star though so that is a sign that NBC did something right. I am giving The Office a Digit Up for getting people on that are actually funny.
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