Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was not going to say anything about this but then I changed my mind. Today is 9/11, the day America was attacked by terrorist. I will not talk about the attacks, I already did that last year, instead I will talk about Americans. After the attacks we were united and we put aside petty differences to mourn together and try to understand the magnitude of what had just occurred. The President at that time, George W. Bush, told us to continue with our lives and not to let the terrorist win by abandoning our way of life. Eventually things returned to normal or as normal as they can be in this post 9/11 world. We played sports, we debated, we challenged each other and we argued and fought against each other. Many wondered what happened to this unity, this solidarity that w had right after 9/11. Well it faded. It is not as if we forgot about it, but we decided to do exactly what the President said and carry on with our lives. Were we faking our love for each other? No, but we felt okay enough to revert back to our previous selves. I am sure some of us changed forever in a good or bad way and that is something that many still struggle with daily. We are a strong and resilient group of people and we showed this. I myself understand what 9/11 means and will mean but I also choose not to dwell on it. It is easier for me than some because I did not lose anyone close to me or quasi close to me in the events that occurred on that day. Though we vow to never forget eventually we will. There will be new towers there and life will continue, business will continue and 9/11 will become as important as December 7, 1941, which was the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. It may take 2 or 3 generations before this happens but it will happen. For now I am going to decide not to write anything else about 9/11. After 10 years I have not forgotten, but I have decided to carry on with my life, as have millions of Americans. I am giving us Americans a Digit Up.

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