Monday, July 18, 2011

...C.J. Senter

C.J. Senter is a 10 year old...with workout video... C.J. started working out five years ago when his football coach told him and his teammates to go home over a weekend and get some exercise. He did some push-ups and sit-ups and loved it. Not too long after, he saw a P90X infomercial and loved that too. He's been working out ever since. C.J. does his own routines three times a week, after school and homework. With so many overweight and obese adults and children in America this seems like a good thing. I for some reason am not jumping on board. In an interview C.J. had this to say to a reporter who was in disbelief.

"It feels great," C.J. says by phone from his Georgia home. "I love staying fit and healthy."

But wait a minute. Research shows kids shouldn't be touching weights until at least age 15.

"I don't use weights," C.J. says.

Not even bench press?

"I don't bench press," he says. "It's not good for kids."

Surely he's on some insane diet, right? His dad feeds him wheat grass and cow brain, perhaps?

"I'm not on a diet," C.J. says. "I eat everything."

He teaches kids at a local gym his routines and that is all good. I for some reason am still not on board. I do not like when parents exploit their children and I feel like this is just that. His main goal in life is to become a football player int he FL. It may or may not happen, the odds are against him but you never know. While I love the idea of getting fat kids into shape I just hate the fact that this looks like a hungry parent trying to make money off of their child. For that reason alone I am going to give C.J. Senter a Digit Down.

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