Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was watching some television, as always, and I heard about a study that said men who spend more than 2 hours nurturing their children have less testosterone than men who do not. So basically men with children are less manly than those without. Ha! As I watched The View the women were totally against this and called the study basically a bunch of bull crap. While they may disagree, it is pretty true. I heave heard this before and this is nothing too new, just more proof of it. I do not understand why they find this hard to believe, women are the same way, especially women who have kids. They become more maternal and when they hear babies carrying they just cannot help their emotional reaction to it. That is a totally different thing though. I want to talk more about men. I think that men have fallen down a lot lately, and by lately I mean the past 30-40 years. There was a time when men were the head of their families, they had all of the answers and no decision was made without dad's approval. Then there was women's liberation and more women moving into the work place and gaining higher positions and something just wen t downhill for men. Men went from being seen as strong leaders to bumbling idiots that who had about as much maturity as a 12 year old boy. I would like to blame this on Hollywood for making shows and movies that uphold this idea( The Hangover, Knocked Up, Jackass, Harold and Kumar) and more women writing for television shows, but they cannot totally be blamed for it. I would like to blame parents who coddle their children and never let their children, boys, grow up to become men. Instead they cover up for them and clean up all of their messes and never let them...become men. Then there are the single mothers who run households and maybe bitter about it. It is hard for women to raise boys. Those boys become men and women are not men. Some single mothers are bitter about their situation and spew hateful things about the men they have encountered in their life which can have a negative effect on their children, just as talking negative about your job can make your children grow up resenting wanting to work. What does this study have to do with anything... Well I know the modern liberated woman can do it all, except produce sperm to have a baby, but I think this study is important because it, along with the modern media's interpretation of the idiot male, is doing a lot more damage than most may think. I think that it is giving an excuse for men to act like idiots and not take responsibility because it is becoming acceptable for men to act like that. Women rule the house, since when? If a man cannot have a say in the way his household is run, then do not expect him to be much of a man. Playing video games, buying comic books, etc., is this what a man is? Sense when? I thin we all nee to look deeper into the social issues that are causing these current events or "trends" in men and women. I know that I am rambling but if you read it and re-read it you may fully understand what I am trying to say. Men take back your place as the head, become more than just a walk joke. Women, you are strong and can do many things but if you want a rel man don't treat him like a boy, expect him to be a man and respect him as a man. I am giving men 2 Digits Down for letting things get this bad.

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