Wednesday, June 29, 2011

...Tracy Morgan

Tracy Morgan has had a lot of bad press recently. We all heard about his "hateful" comments about gays he made while doing stand-up in Nashville earlier this month. He apologized and people pretty much got over it. Now he is being thrust back into the news for more bad press. He made some more politically incorrect statements while doing stand-up in New York City over the weekend. He said, "Don't ever mess with women who have retarded kids. Them young retarded males is strong. They're strong like chimps." Ouch Tracy, ouch. I wonder how he will apologize himself out of this one... Now personally I do not care about anything he says. He is a comedian, a controversial ann an edgy comedian at that. He is no different from previous comedians before him: Eddie Murphy, Red Fox, George Carlin, Chris Rock, Bob Saget, Kathy Griffin, and this list could go on for ages. Why is Tracy getting so much flack? We, as a nation, are too sensitive, we are too touchy feely and of course we are too politically correct! It is a joke, if you do not find it funny then that is you. If you go to one of his shows then you know what to expect, and if you do not know what to expect, then do not go! Freedom of speech allows anyone to say anything, most of the time, and we may not like it, but that is what separates us from many other countries. I believe that people are confusing Tracy Morgan with the character he plays on "30 Rock". Before that show, before SNL, he was and edgy comedian from the hood. He should not have to change his formula, because in the right arenas, his formula still works. However I am going to give Tracy Morgan a Digit Down because he id something that I do not lie at all, he apologized. He apologized after the touchy feely gays and gay friendly community came down on him hard after his Nashville show. Now he may have to go through this whole process again, and ever get an earful from Sarah Palin. You said what you said and it should have ended there. If other did not like it, so be it.

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