Tuesday, February 15, 2011

...Billy Ray Cyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus is upset. He is upset with the show "Hannah Montana" for ruining his family and with the people hanging around his daughter Miley Cyrus. In the latest GQ he said, "I'll tell you right now -- the damn show destroyed my family. And I sit there and I go, 'Yeah, you know what? Some gave all.' It is my motto, and guess what? I have to eat that one. I some gave-all'd it all right. I some-gave all'd it while everybody else was going to the bank. It's all sad." Billy and his wife Tish are going through a divorce right now and of course we all know about Miley's past incidents. "I'm scared for her. She's got a lot of people around her that's putting her in a great deal of danger. I know she's 18, but I still feel like as her daddy I'd like to try to help. At least get her out of danger. I want to get her sheltered from the storm. Stop the insanity just for a minute." He says he regrets being a friend to her more so than a parent. This is very common for most showbiz parents, especially when the kid is making millions...hundreds of millions and supporting their family. Billy had a hit int he 90's, but Miley is making more than her ever did. It is very convenient for him to complain now, now that the show is over and Miley is 18 and he can no longer control her or her money. I am sure he does truly worry about her, as most parents would their child, but it may be too little too late, she is 18 in Hollywood and a celebrity, so really she is 35. He went on to compare his daughter to others who he saw about to crash, "... Like Anna Nicole Smith -- you could see that train wreck coming. I was actually trying to reach out to Anna Nicole Smith, because I kept telling Tish and everybody around me, going, 'This is a disaster.' Michael Jackson -- I was trying to reach out to Michael Jackson. I knew he had kids, and I was going to invite his kids down to a taping of "Hannah" -- I just felt it would be good for Michael." He end the interview with this shocking statement, ""For the record, to set it straight, I want to tell you: I've never made a dime off Miley. You got a lot of people have made percentages off of her. I'm proud to say to this day I've never made one commissioned dollar, or dime, off of my daughter." This may be technically true, but if you count the house that was bought, probably with her money, in L.A. and all of the other things that were bought for the "family" with her money, I ma sure it would add up to a hefty percentage. I am not going to dismiss everything he is saying. In the next few months or years we will see how serous he really is about wanting to help his daughter. For now though I am just finding this too convenient for him with all of the show bashing, the show that also helped revive his career, and calling out his daughter Michael Lohan style. Digit Down.

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