Thursday, May 19, 2011

...Leroy Fick

Leroy Fick is a reason why this country is in financial trouble. He abuses the system and he is proud and bold about it. Leroy Fick won $2 million last year on a Michigan lottery game show and yet he still claims government food stamps. He says the state took half of his money so he should be able to use the services. What makes it worse is his caviler attitude about it. He says, "If you're going to try to make me feel bad, you're not going to do it." Actually there is something that may be even worse, he may be legally able to do all of this. The lottery winnings were a liquid asset and the food stamp program is based on annual income. Since Mr. Fick's income qualifies him for food stamps he is going to take them. There are thousand, maybe even millions, of people in America who are abusing the system with falsely claimed food stamps, social security checks, welfare, etc. I have no sympathy for a lot of people in a lot of situations and it is people like this that make a lot of politicians want to do away with social programs altogether. Anyway, I am going to give Leroy Fick a Digit Down for sure. Can you really blame me?

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