Monday, March 28, 2011

...President Barack Obama

Did you see the speech? I did. I was crass. It did not answer the main question all Americans had on their mind, what are we doing there? Answer... No answer. There was a lot of beating around the bush and when the bush was beat, it was more of a gentle rub. I do not want to talk much about this but I would like to point out a couple of things I noticed. The main things would be how much this reminds me of George W. Bush. Obama went above and beyond to paint McCain as a Bush backer and man who would do things just like him and now he is the one following in his footsteps. He went over Congress to NATO to get this resolution approved and to start this things with Libya. He wanted to protect the people of Libya from Gadhafi and so on. We are helping aide them, but we are not getting too involved. What are we doing!?!?! We are doing the hard work while they walk in and take over a city a day it seems. Obama claims that he will not send in ground troops, which is odd because the Libyan rebels may not have the power to oust Gadhafi without our help sense no other country wants to take the wheel, which is why NATO is in command...per se. America has gone into their oil rich country to get rid of this "mad man" and give this country something that they want. If this is true then let them fight for it. I am over this American Exceptionalism and out imperialistic ways. This is as much a war as the recession was a depression. Words have power and both war and depression cause panic in America and the world. The stock market would go crazy and things would fall and oil would go up, too late there. I will end this by saying when Bush decided to go to war with Iraq he pretty much did whatever it took to get America on his side, and for the most part it worked. Obama did not agree with what he said or did and he rode that into the White House. I wonder if he were still in the Senate if he would agree with what he has just done? I believe he would not. Think about it, Bush went into a country with controlled by a "brutal dictator", got rid of him and gave democracy to the people of Iraq... Libya is next I guess. He said, in so many words, he thought that Libya was more important than other countries because Gadhafi would slaughter many of his own people and that was not something he was willing to let happen. When it happens in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran and Syria we shall see what he does to stop that. I have yet to get any answer, an actual definite answer, as to why we are over there, and I doubt I ever will. No amount of propaganda or rally cries will get me to agree with this war, yes I am calling it a war. You do not spend $600 million in the 1st week of something launching missiles and dropping bombs and not call it a war. I am giving President Barack Obama 2 Digits Down.

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