Thursday, December 9, 2010

...Wesley Snipes

Finally he started his three year prison sentence after years of appeals! The 48 year old actor began his sentence at a federal prison in Pennsylvania on Thursday for failure to file income tax returns. Allegedly he said he was told he did not have to pay taxes because of something with black men..not having to pay taxes...because they were black...? Sort of like reparations or something like that. That is what happens when you get your taxes done by the Nation of Islam. He earned a reported $13.8 million from 1999 to 2001 and failed to pay the $2.7 million he owed. I would like to not that most of that was post Bush Tax Cut time, imagine how much he would owe without it! Any who he was originally convicted like 2-3 years ago but tried he best to appeal and failed many times. I am giving this a Digit Up because everyone knows that no matter what you do, you never mess with the U.S. Government and their money or you will go to jail for sure!

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