Monday, October 11, 2010

...Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox and David Arquette have decided to get a divorce after 11 years of marriage. The couple released a rather lengthy statement, "We have agreed to a trial separation that dates back for some time. The reason for this separation is to better understand ourselves and the qualities we need in a partner and for our marriage. We remain best friends and responsible parents to our daughter and we still love each other deeply. As we go though this process we are determined to use kindness and understanding to get through this together. We are comfortable with the boundaries that we have established for each other during this separation and we hope that our friends, family, fans and the media also show us respect, dignity, understanding and love at this time as well." I was saddened by this news, I thought they were going to make it. Then this burst of happiness exploded inside of me. Think of all of the fun stories we will be reading about when Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox go to the clubs and hang out and start living the real Cougar Town life! Can you imagine that? This is going to be perfect. Of course this may not happen for a year or so but when it happens I will be there. So really when you think about it there are 2 winners, Us and Jennifer Aniston. I am going to give this a Digit Down because divorce is not cool, but I am going to be secretly giving it a Digit Up in my head.

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