Friday, October 15, 2010

...The Hulk

In another desperate and mindless attempt by a television company, ABC is getting ready to to bring back The Incredible Hulk in a new TV series, "Hulk". Apparently they were running down the list of possible past comics and comic shows and The Hulk stood out. Why are they doing this? It will fail for sure, just like the movies. I think this is beyond desperate and that this just shows how stupid Hollywood is becoming. With the merging in of a generation of nerds and geeks that grew up watching these shows and now they want their children or nieces and nephews to watch them it is becoming a dull dull world. You can blame Spider-Man and its success for this. Ever since that franchise took off we have had at least one former comic movie come out like clockwork every Summer. ABC does not do shows like this well, actually no one does. Maybe SiFi, but who watches that channel? ABC has a show now, "No Ordinary Family" and it is on he verge of being cancelled, actually by the time you read this it could be cancelled. This is a waste of time and effort and money. No creativity, everything is the same now. I am giving this show and ABC a Digit Down.

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