Sunday, April 3, 2011

...Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen's winning days me be behind him. His comedy tour "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option" started off pretty rocky. He was booed and heckled and abandoned by the crowd in Detroit, Michigan's Fox Theater. People from the audience were pissed! Bob Orlowski said, "No way the show makes it through all the dates. He's not suited for this." Sheen was 1st booed when he said he thought Detroit would be a good place to talk about cocaine. He brought out his goddess, which brought cheers. They kissed, which brought on more cheers. Shortly after that though he was booed by a man, Sheen replied, "I've already got your money, dude." Linda Furgate paid $150 for 2 tickets. After leaving the show early she said, "I want my money back!" After he was repeatedly booed he tried to calm the crowd down by saying, "Come on, guys. You paid to see me. You gave me your hard-earned money without knowing what this fucking show was about. I'm here now ... and I'm willing to open up."

All in all it sounds pretty rough. Why would you pay that much to see Charlie Sheen though? He is not a stand up comedian by any means, he is an actor. He was an actor on a sitcom, not a funny one either, and he will be an actor after that. This is good news for those who want Charlie to fail or just want him to get help. Maybe this will be the reality check he needs to get better, but I am doubting it. This is also bad because this could make Sheen want to do more drugs to forget what he just went through. Either way this is not going to end well. I am giving Charlie Sheen a Digit Down.

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