Tuesday, April 12, 2011

...Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing, commonly knwon as fracking, seems to be making a lot of headlines lately. I know that there are a lot of people against it because of the unsightly drills and toweres and the possiblity of tainted drinking water and unkown health risk. I do understand those fears and I understand why many people protest against the process, but I am all for it. It makes soem land owners instant millionaires and creats a few joibs as well. More importantly it would help the U.S. economy. We as a country are on the edge and we are basiccally going over. We know we are going to go over, we are just trying to do whatever it takes to prolong it. If we are able to drill within our own country we take some of the power away form the other oil producing countries inthe Middle East. This saves us a lot of stress and increase the value of our ever weakening dollar. Poeple may not want to give up their land to do this, but if they wanted to to government could buy your land form you at market price and sell it to thse gas and oil companies for whatever they want and it would be legal, eminent domain says so. So you can bite the bullet and see it as helping your country or you can fight it and lose big time. I am not happy that we have come to this, but it is what it is. I am giving Hydaulic fracturing a Digit Up.

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