Monday, January 24, 2011


Ferrari is a great car maker and if you love cars then you love Ferrari, even those with Lamborghinis have to admit that they like at least one Ferrari. But Ferrari is about to tarnish their brand a little with a car that looks worse than the Mondial. This new Ferrari, the FF, is a 2 door all-wheel drive station wagon? What? Are you serious? I would rather see a 4-door Ferrari than a station wagon. This is strictly a European car because only in Europe are station wagons more popular than SUV's. I do not understand why they are doing this with Ferrari. What is the point of owning Maserati and using it as your test kitchen if you are just going to make a major mistake with this FF. Even though they claim it can reach a top speed of 205MPH, I am not becoming a fan of this at all. Porsche made a 4door sedan and now Ferrari wants to make a blunder. I am giving Ferrari a Digit Down.

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